As a man of many talents, we asked Vancouver-based industrial designer Will Morrison for insights on a career in design. His minimalist approach puts materiality at the forefront of each piece he creates. We have been long-time fans of Will's work, at Vessel and are so excited to feature him in our Vessel Edit.
I. We know you wear many hats, tell us about what you're currently up to!
Currently one of my main roles is in education where I coordinate the workshop for a Fine Arts program here at a local college. I help students with the technical aspects in art making, sculpture and design which I find entertaining and fulfilling. Aside from that, I am constantly working on my furniture line and learning the business side of being a furniture designer, which is challenging, but ultimately very satisfying.
(image via @twirlingterri)
II. What drew you to a career in design?
Some might say the impetus was LEGO, but in reality it was a lot of trial and error that led me to where I am now. As far back as I can remember I had always been interested in how physical things worked and more broadly why they came to be.
Eventually my curiosity led me to design, which became my lens to ask better questions, explore new territory and create new things.
At the moment I am focused on furniture and objects, but that could evolve into something more specific or something else entirely. I don’t think I could ever be bored as a designer because there is always something new to explore and respond to. And there is no shortage of compelling problems to solve!
(image via @gillianstevens)
III. What is something you're excited about right now?
Mycelium. The movie Fantastic Fungi changed my life.
IV. What are the biggest influences on your work?
I mostly look to art, architecture, philosophy and technology. But what I get most excited about these days are the advances in biomaterials and innovations of their application. I greatly admire the work of Hans J Wegner because of the level of craft he utilized in his designs and the timeless expression of his furniture.
(image via @twirlingterri)
V. How have you been staying creative throughout this crazy time?
Staying creative during the pandemic has been somewhat challenging. However, what I do find interesting about this time is the rather abrupt change in perspective our society was forced to take. For many of us, what is most important has been brought into focus, and despite all the upheaval, I am hopeful that our society can adapt and evolve into a more robust and equitable one.
(image via @twirlingterri)
IV. Do you have a design mantra or rules that you design by?
In general I follow the Vitruvian triad of utility, strength and beauty as a measuring stick for most things I design. I think these factors are universal and fluid enough that they can be adapted to the constraints of any specific context. As times change, so do the constraints and the problems, and so do the values of utility, strength and beauty.
(image via @gillianstevens)
Will's 5 favs:
1) Favourite designer: Evolution
2) Favourite movie: the usual suspects
3) A city you love to travel to: Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam
4) Go to cocktail to order at a bar: Mezcal margarita (on ice of course)
5) A song you have on repeat these days: Harlem River by Kevin Morby
Will's approach to design was a natural match for Vessel. We carry his charcuterie boards in a limited edition finish. Will's other pieces can be found on this website.
(Cover image via @gillianstevens)